The science of learning

Deans for impact

Here’s a really clear, short and applicable summary of the key areas of cognitive science which can be applied to the classroom:

The Science of Learning

The summary looks at six questions about learning, giving a quick summary of the science and some ideas about how they might apply in schools and classrooms. It effectively summarises a great deal of things I’ve written about over the last couple of years in six pages! Here are some links for further reading for some of the key points of the summary:

1. How do students understand new ideas?
2. How do students learn and retain new information?
3. How do students solve problems?
4. How does learning transfer to new situations?
5. What motivates students to learn?
6. What are some common misconceptions about how students think and learn?

I’m looking forward  to seeing future work by Deans for Impact – and I’ll be keeping an eye on their blog for more excellent resources!

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7 Responses to The science of learning

  1. Pingback: Enactment: turning what we know into what we do | must do better…

  2. mrvieito says:

    Love this. Many thanks.


  3. Pingback: The Science of Learning | Blogs of the Month

  4. Pingback: 15 Blogposts for 2015! #15for2015 | From the Sandpit....

  5. Pingback: That was 2015… | Class Teaching

  6. Pingback: The ‘artificiality’ of teaching | Evidence into Practice

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